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Crystal Quest Commercial Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Crystal Quest Commercial Reverse Osmosis Membrane TFC1, CQEROM1
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Brand:Crystal Quest
Weight:5 LBS.

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Made in USA

CRYSTAL QUEST Reverse Osmosis Membranes TFC1 for Commercial RO systems. It removes lead, sodium, cyanide, ammonium (ammonia), mercury, bromide, cadmium, trivalent chromium, radium, magnesium, fluoride, nitrates, nitrites and many other harmful elements from water.

Membrane comes in a blue protective housing for easy-handling with bare hands. Just twist off housing or housing cap, remove old membrane and insert a new one to replace.

* TFC1 - Thin-film composite membranes (TFC or TFM) are semipermeable membranes manufactured principally for use in water purification or water desalination systems.

A Typical TFC1 Reverse Osmosis Membrane Will Remove:

TFC Membrane
*Nominal Rejection Characteristics of Reverse Osmosis Membranes
ION% Rejection ION % Rejection
Calcium 95 - 98 Bromide 93 - 96
Sodium 94 - 98 Phosphate 97 - 98
Magnesium 95 - 98 Cyanide 90 - 95
Iron 97 - 98 Sulfate 97 - 98
Potassium 94 - 97 Thiosulfate 97 - 98
Manganese 97 - 98 Silicate 94 - 96
Aluminum 97 - 98 Silica 85 - 90
Copper 97 - 98 Nitrate 92 - 95
Nickel 97 - 98 Boron 60 - 70
Cadmium 95-98 Borate 40 - 70
Silver 95 - 97 Fluoride 93 - 95
Zinc 97 - 99 Polyphosphate 98 - 99
Mercury 95 - 97 Orthophosphate 98 - 99
Hardness Ca&Mg 95 - 98 Chromate 90 - 97
Radioactivity 95 - 98 Bacteria 99+
Chloride 90 - 95 Lead 96 - 98
Ammonium 85 - 95

*The above percent of rejection is for reference only and not to be construed as any guarantee since the chemistry, temperature and TDS are not constant in each water supply.

ModelMfg SKUSizeCapacity
CQEROM1CQE-RC-041112.5" x 14" TFC24-36 Months*
CQEROM2CQE-RC-041072.5" x 21" TFC24-36 Months*
CQEROM3CQE-RC-041092.5" x 40" TFC24-36 Months*
CQEROM4CQE-RC-040864" x 40" TFC24-36 Months*


Operating Pressure: 150 psi (10.3 bar)
Maximum Operating Pressure:400 psi (27.5 bar)
pH Range, Continuous Operation:3-11
Maximum Operating Temperature:110° F (43° C)

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